[目的]了解横山县居民膳食营养状况,指导居民合理膳食。[方法]2008年3月,采取称重法对横山县农村居民膳食营养状况进行调查。[结果]横山县农村居民主食为面食,主、副食之比为1.18∶1,平均每人每日摄入食物总量为1 194.2 g。摄入热能2 732.8千卡,为供给标准的103.5%。营养素来源蛋白质为10.3%、脂肪23.2%、糖类66.5%。蛋白质摄入量为供给标准的93.8%。[结论]横山县居民膳食结构不合理,应多摄入蛋白质、维生素类。
[Objective]To understand the status of diet and nutrition among rural residents of Hengshan county,to give the instruction of reasonable diet for the target population. [Methods]Investigation on the status of diet and nutrition was conducted among rural residents in Hengshan county in March 2008 with weighting method. [Results]The main food was flour food in rural residents in hengshan county,the ration of main food and non-staple food was 1.18 : 1. The total intake food per person each day was i 194.2 g,the energy intake was 2 732.8 caloric,accounting for 103.5% of the standard offeted. Protein, fat and sugar accounted for 10.3%,23.2 % and 66.5 % respectively. The total protein intake accounted for 93.8 % of the standard offered. [Conclusion]The structure of diet was unreasonable in rural residents in Hengshan county, more protein and vitamins must be consumed.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Diet and nutrition