[目的]掌握忻州市传染病发病动态,为制定防治措施和策略提供依据。[方法]对2007年忻州市传染病疫情资料进行分析。[结果]2007年报告乙、丙类传染病21种6 044例,发病率为199.38/10万;死亡5例,死亡率为0.165/10万,病死率为0.083%。其中,乙类传染病15种5 855例,发病率为193.14/10万,死亡5例;丙类传染病6种189例,发病率为6.23/10万。发病率居前5位的疾病是肺结核(79.60/10万)、病毒性肝炎(66.80/10万)、布氏菌病(20.88/10万)、麻疹(9.20/10万)、痢疾(7.36/10万)。[结论]2007年忻州市传染病发病率与2006年持平,肺结核与病毒性肝炎是重点防治的传染病。
[Objective]To get an insight into the epidemic dynamics of infectious diseases, so as to provide a scientific basis for adopting appropriate measures to prevent and control the infectious diseases, [Methods]Analysis was made on the data of infectious disease of Xinzhou city in 2007. [Results]6 044 cases of 21 kinds of class B and C infectious diseases and fivedeathcaseswerereportedin2007. Theincidencerateandmortalityratewasrespectively199.38/100 000.0. 165 / 100 000. The fatality rate was 0. 083%. 5 855 cases about 15 kinds of class B infectious diseases and 5 death cases were reported and the incidence rate was 193.14/ 100 000. 189 cases about 6 kinds of class C infectious diseases were reported and the incidence rate was 6.23/100 000. The top five infectious diseases were pulmonary tuberculosis(79.60/100 000) .viral hepatitis(66.80/100 000) ,brucellosis(20.88/100 000) ,measles(9.20/100 000) and dysentery(7.36/100 000) in turn. [Conclusion]The incidence of infectious disease in Xinzhou in 2007 is equal to the rate of 2006. Pulmonary tuberculosis and virus hepatitis should be prevent and cure intensively.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Infectious diseases
Epidemic analysis