
五氧化二钒插层纳米复合材料的组装与电化学性能 被引量:1

Assembly and Electrochemical Characteristics of V_2O_5 Intercalation Nanocomposites
摘要 五氧化二钒具有二维空间层状结构,层间伸缩性好,具有纳米尺寸,且有可做成无定形、高比表面积的溶胶-凝胶、干凝胶、气凝胶和类气凝胶等多种形态的优点。目前以其为主体的插层纳米复合材料研究十分活跃,本文综述了近年来合成的五氧化二钒插层化合物的组装及其电化学性能研究的进展。 Vanadium pentoxide has a 2-dimensional layered structure. Because of its characters of good elasticity and nano-scale, as well as of its application advantages in electrode materials, such as amorphous, high specific area, and so on, V2O5 has been proposed as a candidate for intercalation nanocomposite. Considerable interest has focused during last decades upon its synthesis and properties. The development of V2O5 intercalation nanocompesites concerning V2O5 host lattice, guest compounds, interaction host-guest nanocomposites, and their electrochemical properties were introduced.
出处 《化学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期687-692,共6页 Chemistry
关键词 五氧化二钒 插层化合物 组装 电化学性能 Vanadium pentoxide Intercalation compound Assemble Electrochemical properties
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