目的:建立工作场所空气中异亚丙基丙酮的采样和测定方法。方法:工作场所空气用活性炭管采集,经1%甲醇的二硫化碳溶液解吸,FFAP毛细色谱柱分离,氢火焰离子化检测器(FID)检测,按照《工作场所空气中有毒物质检测方法研制规范》的要求进行方法研究。结果:异亚丙基丙酮浓度在10-1000μg/ml内呈良好线性关系,相关系数0.9999,最低检出浓度为0.2 mg/m^3,相对标准偏差<5%(n=6);气体采样效率≥96.6%,100 mg活性炭对异亚丙基丙酮的穿透容量为4.7 mg,平均解吸效率97.6%;活性炭样品室温下可保存7天;丙酮、丁酮、异佛尔酮、苯、甲苯、二甲苯等共存物不干扰测定。结论:本方法各项指标达到《工作场所空气中有毒物质检测方法研制规范》要求,适用于工作场所空气中异亚丙基丙酮的测定。
Objective: To establish a method for detection of mesityl oxide in the air of workplace by GC chromatography.Methods:Mesityl oxide in the air was sampled by active carbon tube and desorbed by the solvent of carbon disulfide which included 1% methanol,then separated by FFAP capillary column,and finally detected by hydrogen flame detector.The experimental study was conducted according to the requirements of Regulation of studies on the determination of toxicants in the air of workplace.Results:The good linear range of method was 10 to 1000 μg/ml(r=0.9999) with the correlation coeffivient of 0.9999,and the limit concentration in air was 0.2 mg/m3 with the average relative standard deviation less than 5%(n=6).The average sampling rate ranged from 96.6 to 100%,and the breakthrough capacity of 100mg activated charcoal was 4.7 mg.The average desorption rate was 97.6%,and mesityl oxide absorped in activated charcoal tube was stable for 7 days and can be detected accurately with other gas coexi.sting in the air of workplace.Conclusion:The method meets the requirements of Regulation of Studies on the Determination of Toxicants in the Air of Workplace.It is suitable to determine the mesityl oxide in the air of workplace.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology