
改性大豆分离蛋白对液态奶制工艺及品质的影响 被引量:3

Effect of the modified SPI on the technology and quality of the milk production
摘要 实验采用改性大豆分离蛋白作为奶粉的部分替代品制成了中性和酸性两种双蛋白奶,分析了调配方法、均质条件和灭菌条件对产品色泽、口感和稳定性的影响。选用的改性大豆分离蛋白为低氧化性蛋白,不仅具有好的凝胶性,还具有较好的乳化性和热稳定性。采用Lab色彩空间表征色泽变化,通过沉淀率和稳定系数来表征产品的稳定性。结果表明:研制过程中,均质条件和灭菌条件对产品的质量有很大的影响。对酸性奶而言,除了以上工艺条件需要考虑,糖酸比对稳定性和口感同样重要。65℃、25MPa的均质条件适用于两种条件下的产品,中性和酸性双蛋白奶分别选择121℃、20min和65℃、30min为灭菌条件。 In this paper, two kinds of mixed milk were made from milk powder and modified SPI.The effects of the deployment method, homogeneous conditions and sterilization condition on the color, taste and stability of the product were studied in this paper.The modified SPI that we used was low-oxidative,which is good at gelling and emulsifying.A lab color space was used to characterize the color' s changes of the product.And the product' s stability was characterized by the sedimentation rate and stability factor.The results showed that, during preparation,the homogeneous conditions and sterilization condition had a great impact on the quality of the product.Besides those conditions,when we made acid milk,we should also take the pH and sugar content of the product into consideration.The homogeneous condition of 65℃,25MPa wilt be fine for both the neutral and the acid kinds of products.And we choose 100℃、20min and 65℃、30min as sterilization condition for the neutral milk and the acid milk, respectively.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期69-72,共4页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 国家“863”计划项目资助(2008LQN019)
关键词 双蛋白奶 大豆分离蛋白 均质 色泽 稳定性 口感 dual- protein milk SPI homogenize color stability taste
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