
紫花苜蓿中苜蓿皂甙工业化生产工艺的研究 被引量:1

Study on the industrialized production of alfalfa saponin from alfalfa
摘要 目的:采用大孔树脂分离技术将紫花苜蓿中苜蓿皂甙分离出来,用于制造降血脂、抗动脉硬化等功能性保健药品。方法:利用多年生草本植物-紫花苜蓿作原料,按原料∶溶剂=1∶8的比例加入45%乙醇溶剂,在80℃温度下提取二次,经专用大孔树脂吸附水洗除杂,再经30%和75%乙醇溶剂梯度洗脱,最后回收乙醇,喷雾干燥得苜蓿皂甙产品。结果:经过连续20批正常试生产,得到苜蓿皂甙平均回收率为93·8%,产品中苜蓿皂甙含量平均为80·4%,产品对原料的平均收率为1·72%。结论:试生产证明本工艺是成功的,它能一次性将产品中苜蓿皂甙含量提高到80%以上,可以直接用于制药行业,是值得推广的新工艺。 Objective.The alfalfa saponin was separated from alfalfa by macroporous resin,The alfalfa saponin was used in the manufacture of decreasing blood fat, anti- atherosclerosis drug, and other features of health care.Method : Using the perennial herb-alfalfa for raw materials, according to the raw materials: solvent = 1:8 ratio by adding 45% ethanol solvent,temperature 80℃, for two times,the special macroporous resin adsorption water impurity,and then by 30% And 75% ethanol solvent gradient elution,then final recovery of ethanol, spray drying, alfalfa saponin products was obtained.Results: After 20 consecutive granted normal preproduction, the average recovery rate of alfalfa saponin was 93.8 percent,the product of alfalfa saponin content in an average was 80.4 percent,the average yield of raw materials was 1.72 percent.Conclusion.The test proved that the production of this process was successful,it would improve product in alfalfa saponin content to more than 80% at one-time, and it can be used in the pharmaceutical industry to promote the new technology.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期274-276,共3页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
关键词 苜蓿皂甙 紫花苜蓿 大孔树脂 梯度洗脱 alfalfa saponin alfalfa macroporous resin gradient elution
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