由于Ad hoc网络节点的移动性和网络拓扑的动态性,路由协议成为当前Ad hoc网络研究的热点之一。为了降低AODV路由协议的能耗和提高协议的性能,基于AODV路由协议的hello消息,提出了利用接收hello包的能量值来动态的调整发送数据包的传输功率,从而减少节点的能耗和传播冲突的AODV协议(简称E_AODV)。利用NS2仿真工具对E_AODV和AODV协议进行了仿真,对路由协议主要的几种参数:总能耗,单个节点的能耗,数据递交率,网络负载和时延进行了统计分析。仿真结果表明E_AODV路由协议不仅降低了节点的能量消耗和网络时延,而且提高了数据递交率和网络负载。
Because of the Ad hoc node mobility and Network Topology dynamic, mobile ad hoe routing protocol becomes one of hotspots of research. In order to reduce the energy consume and enhance the performance of AODV route protocol, based on the hello message, we propose the E_AODV which using the received energy of the hello message to dynamic adjust the transmit power of the data packet to reduce the energy consume and the conflict of node transmission. Using NS2 to simulate and compare E_AODV and AODV, the key statistics: energy consumes, node energy consumes, and packet delivery ratio, average load and latency are collected and analyzed. The simulation shows that the E_AODV not only reduces energy consumption and network latency, but also improve the packet delivery ratio and network load.
Computer Simulation