
带传动系统的多体动力学建模与接触振动研究 被引量:12

Research on Multibody Dynamics and Contact Vibration of Belt Transmission
摘要 结合刚性有限元法和多体动力学方法,提出带传动系统的多体接触的相对坐标递推动力学建模的新方法。以等效的柔性连接力来描述带的柔性变形,结合带体单元结点的相对坐标和面-面接触方法,建立了带传动系统的多体动态接触动力学模型。以平带传动系统为例,新方法综合考虑了柔性带的柔性效应,带体单元与传动轮之间的动态接触、转速、摩擦等因素,分析出带传动系统的横向振动位移、弯矩、动态接触力和张紧力等动力响应特性和接触振动特性。结果表明新方法能有效地计算带传动系统的柔性带的振动特性和接触动力响应等动力学响应特性,为带传动系统的动态设计与改进提供重要的参考数据和理论依据。 Combining rigid finite element method and mutibody dynamics, a new dynamic modeling and analysis method on mutibody contact dynamics of belt transmission with relative coordinates and recursive formulation was brought out. With equivalent flexible connect force and the effect of speed, friction and dynamic contact, the flexible belt and contact dynamic model of transmission were established on the base of recursive formula and contacting between surfaces. Dynamic model of flat belt transmission was applied to research on the contact vibration analysis and dynamic response of belt transmission such as transversal vibration and bend moment of belt, contact force, tension and so on. The results revealed that the new method and dynamic model could effectively calculate transverse vibration and contact vibration of belt transmission with multi-time varying factors and nonlinear factors. The simulation results provide basic data for dynamic design and valuable theoretical basis for further research on contact dynamics characteristics of belt transmission.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第16期4945-4950,共6页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 云南省应用基础研究基金项目(2006E021Q) 云南省省院省校合作基金项目(2004YX12) 云南省教育厅科技基金项目(5Y0553D)
关键词 带传动系统 相对坐标 递推方程 接触振动 刚性有限元法 belt transmission relative coordinates recursive formulation contact vibration rigid finite element method
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