
加强科技信息共享建设机构中信息质量管理的对策建议 被引量:4

Countermeasure and Suggestion for Improving Information Quality Management of the Science and Technology Information Sharing Construction Agencies
摘要 科技信息共享中的信息质量是信息共享发展的前提,是实现共享信息价值的必要保证。但从目前发展现状看,共享信息的信息质量问题一直成为阻碍信息有效利用的一个突出的制约因素。其中,信息共享建设机构中缺乏完善、系统的信息质量管理体系是造成所提供共享的信息质量差的主要原因之一。文章分析在科技信息共享建设中信息质量管理(IQM)存在的问题,就进一步加强信息共享建设机构的IQM提出几点对策建议,包括IQM的战略规划、IQM职责及机构设立、信息质量管理成熟度模型建立、管理制度的完善、控制程序设立、技术应用创新、人员信息质量(IQ)培训等。 The information quality(IQ) of science and technology information sharing is the premise for sharing development, and a necessary guarantee to materialize the value of shared information. Seeing from the current situation, IQ problems have been a sticking - out obstacle in the effective use of information, and lack of a perfect and systematic information quality management (IQM) system is one of the main reasons why the shared information provided in bad quality. This paper summarizes the causes of the poor IQM in the science and technology information sharingment, and then puts forward view points about how to further strengthen the IQM of information sharing construction organizations. It includes IQM strategic planning, IQMM model setting up, IQM duty and organization establishment, management system establishment, control procedures improvement, technology application innovation, personnel IQ training,and so on.
出处 《中国科技资源导刊》 2009年第4期41-46,共6页 China Science & Technology Resources Review
关键词 科技信息 信息质量管理 科技信息共享 信息质量 信息共享 science and technology information, information quality management(IQM), science and technology information sharing, information quality, information sharing
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