
Prediction of slope failure due to earthquake 被引量:5

Prediction of slope failure due to earthquake
摘要 The earthquake-triggered landslides and slope failures are common phenomena during strong earthquakes and have drawn more attention from the world because of severe hazards they induced. These hazards usually cannot be prevented by current mitigating measures, thus, it becomes more and more important to develop a precise technique for the risk assessment of earthquake-induced failures in the mountainous area. The application of discrimination analysis method is proved to be successful and effective in the prediction of earthquake-triggered landslides and slope failures in the region of Imokawa Basin in Japan. Discriminant score can be used to assess the relative risk of slope failures, as the score increases, the possibility of slope failures occurrence increases accordingly. At the same time, the variables in the judgement formula, such as slope gradient, slope curvature and seismic peak ground acceleration, are easy to obtain. This advantage makes this method more practical and manipulable than others at present. In order to apply this method more effectively, there are still several problems to resolve. The earthquake-triggered landslides and slope failures are common phenomena during strong earthquakes and have drawn more attention from the world because of severe hazards they induced. These hazards usually cannot be prevented by current mitigating measures, thus, it becomes more and more important to develop a precise technique for the risk assessment of earthquake-induced failures in the mountainous area. The application of discrimination analysis method is proved to be successful and effective in the prediction of earthquake-triggered landslides and slope failures in the region of Imokawa Basin in Japan. Discriminant score can be used to assess the relative risk of slope failures, as the score increases, the possibility of slope failures occurrence increases accordingly. At the same time, the variables in the judgement formula, such as slope gradient, slope curvature and seismic peak ground acceleration, are easy to obtain. This advantage makes this method more practical and manipulable than others at present. In order to apply this method more effectively, there are still several problems to resolve.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第16期2888-2894,共7页
基金 Supported by the Foundation of Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration (Grant No. DF-IGCEA-0608-2-3) National Key Technology R & D Program (Grant No. 2008BAC38B040103)
关键词 强烈地震 倒塌 预测 山体滑坡 风险评估 峰值加速度 地震预报 危险度 earthquake-triggered landslide and slope failure, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), discrimination analysis method, potential of slope failures, correlation analysis
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