

Virtual Test Analysis of Anti-impact Property of Multi-motional State Portable Robot
摘要 基于动力学软件ADAMS和有限元软件ANSYS,提出一种机器人抗冲击性能的虚拟实验方法,对机器人的抗冲击性进行定性分析和定量分析。基于虚拟样机对机器人碰撞过程进行虚拟实验,通过虚拟传感器检测机器人与地面产生的碰撞力以及子结构之间的相互作用力,获取其力的时域信息。再以有限元分析软件应用为基础,分析子结构在强冲击载荷作用下的应力和应变的分布及变化,确定机器人抗冲击性能的薄弱环节。利用虚拟试验方法对机器人的翼板单元的抗冲击性能进行分析。结果表明,机器人在跌落高度为3m时,前后翼板抗冲击性能良好,证明虚拟试验的方法具有实时、高效和可重复的优点。 Based on the muhibody dynamics software ADAMS and FEM software ANSYS, a virtual test method is put forward to perform the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of anti-impact property of the robot. A virtual sensor is used to measure the collision force between the robot and the ground and the interaction force between the substructures of the robot so as to obtain the time-domain information of the forces. Then, the distribution and change of the stress and strain of the substructures under the strong impact load is analyzed with the aid of FEM software so as to find the weakness in the anti-impact property of the robot. The virtual test method is also adopted to analyze the anti-impact property of the limb plates of the robot. The result shows that the front and rear limb plates have good anti-impact property when the failing height for the robot is 3 meters. Virtual test method features real time sensing, high efficiency and repeatability.
出处 《机械制造》 2009年第8期6-9,共4页 Machinery
基金 国家863高技术研究发展计划项目(编号:2007AA04Z256)
关键词 便携式机器人 虚拟试验 抗冲击 有限元分析 Portable Robot Virtual Test Anti-impact FEM
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