
英语学习者朗读任务中列举句式的韵律特征研究 被引量:6

Prosodic Features of English Listing in Learners' Read Speech
摘要 本研究从中国英语学习者朗读语音库(RESCCL)中随机选取中国东部四所高中共40名学生的朗读语音数据作为研究对象,从调群切分和调型特点的韵律角度考查了高中生在朗读任务中所体现的英语列举句式的韵律模式。研究发现,学习者对常规类列举句的调群切分和调型处理均较理想,而对示范类列举句的韵律掌握相对较弱。本研究对改进高中英语口语教学和口试评估有一定的指导意义。 The study aims at exploring the prosodic features of listing exhibited by Chinese senior middle school students in their read speech in terms of Tonality and Tone. The researching data taken randomly from RESCCL include 40 students of 4 high schools in the east of China. The findings show that the students have a better prosodic realization of the routine listing than the demonstrative type. This study has certain significance for oral English teaching and assessing.
作者 袁咏
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 2009年第3期92-94,共3页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
基金 国家教育部项目(编号06JA740031) 2008年江苏政府留学奖学金 南通大学校级课题(项目批号06W056)的资助
关键词 调群切分 调型 常规列举 示范列举 tonality tone routine listing demonstrative listing
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