
基层计划生育服务人员出生缺陷知识知晓情况调查 被引量:2

Investigation on awareness status of birth defects knowledge of family planning professionals at grass-roots level
摘要 目的:通过调查基层计划生育服务人员对生缺陷预防知识的知晓情况,为出生缺陷干预措施的制定提供科学依据。方法:对76名基层计划生育服务人员进行现场调查,对28名管理人员、技术人员进行访谈。结果:定量和定性资料分析显示,90.8%的被调查人员知道出生缺陷的发生原因,78.9%的人员能够正确回答出生缺陷发生的敏感时期,关于孕妇缺乏叶酸的危害的知晓率为85.5%,关于计划怀孕妇女补充叶酸最佳时期的知晓率为71.1%,关于正常育龄妇女补充叶酸剂量的知晓率为67.1%,只有64.5%的被调查人员知道B超进行出生缺陷筛查的最佳时间。大多数管理者和技术服务人员认为出生缺陷预防工作的重点在于加强群众知识宣传和产前检查,认为当前开展出生缺陷干预工作面临的主要问题是群众参与积极性不高和经费不足。结论:基层计划生育服务人员对出生缺陷预防知识的知晓率偏低,将直接影响出生缺陷干预措施的落实。应结合本地区实际进一步有针对性地加强计划生育服务人员有关出生缺陷知识的培训,提高队伍整体的综合服务能力。 Objective: To investigate the awareness status of birth defects knowledge of family planning professionals at grass - roots level, provide a scientific basis for carrying out preventive countermeasures. Methods: 76 family planning service professionals at grass - roots level were surveyed on the spot, 28 manager and technicians were interviewed. Results : Qualitative and quantitative analysis indicated that: the awareness rate of birth defects causes was 90. 8% , 78. 9% of the professionals answered crucial time of birth defects correctly, the awareness rate of the risk of deficiency in folic acid was 85.5% , 71.1% of the professionals knew the best supplementation time and 67. 1% of the professionals knew correct dosage, but only 64. 5% of the professionals knew the best time of ultrasonic screening for birth defects. Most of the interviewers believed the key of preventing birth defects was to strengthen public promotion and prenatal examination, and the most difficult problems were the low rate of participation and the lack of finances. Conclusion : The awareness rate of birth defects prevention of family planning professionals is low, which will directly effect the interventions, the training of professionals about birth defects prevention knowledge should be strengthened.
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第24期3406-3408,共3页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
关键词 出生缺陷 预防知识 叶酸 基层人员 Birth defect Prevention knowledge Folic acid Grass -roots staff
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