
中国知识产权保护地区差异与技术引进的实证研究 被引量:29

Study on the regional differentiation of protection of intellectual property rights and technology introduction in China:an empirical research
摘要 研究中国知识产权保护的地区差异和技术引进。引入"执行效果"去修正GPI指标可知中国知识产权的保护水平存在明显的地区差异。中国经济发展的地区不平衡性决定了知识产权保护水平的地区差异。利用中国省市数据实证分析得出,知识产权保护水平的提高有利于促进中国对国外先进技术的引进。使用门槛回归技术进一步揭示人均GDP、市场开放度和研发投入强度等变量存在门槛条件,这些变量的门槛区间决定着知识产权保护促进各地区技术引进的效果差异,而且在发达开放地区的作用要显著大于落后地区。这显示了落后地区在知识产权保护执行效果上也相对落后,说明了落后地区在认识知识产权保护促进技术引进作用方面更为困难。因此,中国知识产权保护水平的地区差异具有客观性。 This paper studies the regional differences of intellectual property rights and foreign technology import in China. The protection level of intellectual property rights is influenced by many factors which include per capita GDP, market openness, R&D and so on. As a result, China' s economic unbalance determines regional differences in the protection of intellectual property rights. We can realize these differences by introducing "implementation effect" to modify GPI. From the empirical analysis of cross - provinces data in China, to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights can enhance foreign technology import. Furthermore, employing the threshold regression model can reveal the threshold conditions of per capita GDP, market openness and R&D investment. When the protection of intellectual property promotes the importation of technology in different districts, all these variable threshold intervals depend the differences on effect, which seems to be more significant in developed regions than in undeveloped regions.
作者 姚利民 饶艳
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第8期1177-1184,共8页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 浙江省高校人文社科重点研究基地基金资助项目 浙江省科技计划项目(2008C25023)
关键词 国际贸易 知识产权保护 技术引进 GPI修正指标 地区差异 门槛回归模型 international trade intellectual property rights foreign technology import modification of GPI regional differences threshold regression model
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