As the present C2 system of air-defense C2 system is transformed from "platform-centric" to "network-centric", however,the effectiveness of netted C2 system has not processed with big step yet. One of the main reasons is lack of appropriate network models and method. Due to it, a net-ring model is established and a new method based on computing Perron-Frobenius Eigenvalue(PFE) of adjacency matrix is put forward. At the same time it analysises a shift on the core of a battle network through an example. The correctness has been proved by computing examples. Analysises of these examples indicate that this method is clear in structure, simple and effective. It also can meet need of C2 system.It is fit for efficiency analysis of netted C2 system and can be as references to measure and assess the effectiveness of network C2 systems of other forces.
Command Control & Simulation