s Two RFLP markers linked to Helminthosporium turcium resistance genes ht2,bnll2.30 and umc93 were physically located onto chromosomes in maize by in situ hybridization.According to the results,the physical position of benes ht2 were deduced. The RFLP markers,bnl 12.30 and umc93 were located onto linkage group 8 in the genetic map.The two probes of the RFLP markers were physically mapped onto the long arms of both chromosome 3 and 8. The average detection ratio was 12.13%.The percent distance from the centromeres to the detected sites were 33.30±1.41 and 34.47±2.75 on 8 L (the long arm of chromosome 8) and 51.41±2.75 and 56.54±2.94 on 3 L respectively.It showed that ht2 gene was between bnl 12.30 and umc93 belonging to linkage group 8 in the linkage map.So it could be conclude that the physical location of ht2 was between 33.30 and 34.47 on 8 L.Probably there was homologous sequence of ht2 gene between 51.41±2.75 and 56.54±2.94 on 3 L.
Journal of Wuhan University(Natural Science Edition)