

Face Recognition Based on Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis Algorithms
摘要 由于PCA和LDA算法存在小样本问题(Smell Sample Size),结合D-LDA和Kernel,将线性不可分的低维空间映射到高维空间,并借助于"kernel技巧"克服了维度灾难问题,并且充分的利用曾经被抛弃的有用信息Null-Space。经过才ORL人脸库的实验表明,此方法比PCA,LDA提高了人脸识别的可分性,并有效地解决了小样本问题。 Such as PCA(Principle Component Analysis) and LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis ) exists SSS("small sample size") problem, we combine D-LDA and Kernel to project the line-unseparable feature space to the height dimensional separable feature space, and to overcome curse of dimensionality through kernel trick. It also use the Null-Space that has been aborted by some other method. The new algorithm has been tested, in terms of classification error rate performance,on the multi-view ORL face database. Result indicates that the proposed methodology is able to improve the recognition rate and solve the small sample size problem (SSS).
作者 郭丰宁 陈聪
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2009年第8期36-38,45,共4页 Computer & Digital Engineering
关键词 PCA LDA GDA KDDA KERNEL 小样本问题 PCA, LDA, GDA, KDDA, Kernel, Small Sample Size problem (SSS)
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