根据嵌入式实时系统的需求及应用领域中任务的特点,提出一种针对两种常见的不同类型任务,进行自适应调度算法ERTAS(Real-Time Embedded Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm,并提出了其系统结构。分析μC/OS-Ⅱ内核中与调度相关的数据结构,提出在其内核中自适应调度算法的实现,主要是包括控制器与基础调度器的实现。通过仿真实验比较了改进的设计算法与原调度算法的性能,通过分析说明了该调度算法的可行性。
Based on the demand of the embedded real-time system and the characteristic of the assignment in application field, an ERTAS(Real-Time Embedded Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm) aiming at two kinds of different types of the assignments has been proposed and its system structure has been introduced. The data structure correlated with scheduling in μC/O S-II kernel was analyzed, and the realization of self-adaptive scheduling algorithm in its kernel was provided, mainly including the realization of the controller and the basic scheduler. The performances of the improved design algorithm and the original scheduling algorithm were compared by the simulation experiment, and the feasibility of this scheduling algorithm was elucidated by analysis.
Computer & Digital Engineering