目的探讨慢性光线性皮炎(CAD)的临床特点及作用光谱。方法回顾性分析20例CAD患者临床资料及光试验结果。结果20例CAD患者,男女之比为5.67∶1;中位年龄61岁;集中于春夏季发病,50%的发病或加重与日晒有关;皮损主要发生于暴露部位,表现为红斑、丘疹、浸润肥厚性斑块;病理示慢性湿疹样皮炎。光试验:16例患者长波紫外线最小红斑量(UVA-MED)降低,范围6.46~35.98 J/cm2;10例患者中波紫外线最小红斑量(UVB-MED)降低,范围9~53.48 mJ/cm2;8例患者单一UVA-MED降低,2例患者单一UVB-MED降低。结论光试验是诊断CAD的主要依据,CAD的作用光谱有待于更大样本量的研究。
Objective To study the clinical feature and spectral range of ultraviolet in chronic actinic dermatitis ( CAD ). Methods Clinical data of 20 cases with chronic actinic dermatitis were analysed retrospectively. Rusults The male:female ratio was 5.67 : 1. The average age of onset was 61 years. The onset often took place in spring and summer. 50% of the cases were found with a light exacerbating history. Lesions were distributed primarly on the exposed skin and included erythema, populs and thieked plaques. Pathologic histology showed chronic eczematoid dermatitis. A lower UVA-MED was found in 80% of the cases, ranging from 6.46 J/cm^2 to 35 J/cm^2. While a lower UVB-MED in 50% , ranging from 9 mJ/cm^2 to 53.48mJ/cm^2. 40% were found to be sensitive to UVA alone, and 10% UVB alone. Conclusions Diagnosis of chronic actinic dermatitis depends mainly on Results of photobiological test. The action spectrum is expected to be studied in a larger sample.
Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine