
解读法经济学的兴起 被引量:4

Interpretation of the Rise of Law and Economics:Based on the Perspective of Methodology
摘要 以往文献多以经济学分析方法的强而有力来解释法律经济学的兴起,但这不足以解释为什么经济学在向包括法律、政治、社会等其他社会科学的进军中唯独法经济学的成果最为丰富的原因。通过比较,发现法学和经济学在研究主题和分析方法的共通性这一性质,可较好解释为什么在社会科学的互动中,只有经济学与法学的互动最为成功。此外,如再加上经济分析方法的特色和优势,则足以阐释经济学与法学的互动主要是以前者进入后者所呈现而不是相反。因此,上述因素的综合才能为法律经济学的勃兴提供较为令人满意的说明。 The development of law and economics is a success story of expansion of economics into other social science since the 1960s. The success has been usually ascribed to the fact that economics offers a powerful analytical tool and a forceful theory of human behavior. But if this is the only reason, the march of economics into other social sciences such as political science, sociology, etc. should have been equally successful. But it is not the case. It is argued in this paper that the intercommunity between economics and law on the research subject and analytical method provides the additional explanatory factor. In addition, the characteristics and strength of the economical analytical method result in that on the intercommunity between economics and law, mainly the former enters into the latter but not the opposite. Therefore, the integration of the above factors leads to the rise of law and economics.
作者 高建刚
机构地区 聊城大学商学院
出处 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期65-69,共5页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 研究主题 分析方法 法经济学 共通性 study subject analytical method law and economics intercommunitv
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