
中外企业IT应用水平的关键影响因素比较分析 被引量:1

A Comparative Analysis of the Key Influencing Factors of IT Application Levels between Chinese and Foreign Enterprises
摘要 中外企业在IT应用水平上存在差异,构成这种差异的主要原因及减小这种差异的主要对策成为论文实证的核心。文章通过对123家企业的访谈,对研究对象进行测量,应用计量方法构建了企业IT应用水平与制度能力和流程管理能力回归模型,检验了两种能力对企业IT应用水平产生显著影响,但这种影响存在差异,从而推导出中外企业的管理模式存在差异。这种差异能很好地解释中外企业为什么IT应用水平的不同。国内企业要减小与外资企业在IT应用上的差异,来提高企业的管理效率需要更多地关注企业流程管理能力的学习和改善。否则,国内企业由于低水平的IT应用导致无法有效地与外资企业在国内外市场竞争。 It is well known that there exists a significant difference between Chinese and foreign enterprises in terms of their IT application levels. However, what causes this difference remains unknown, and how to narrow the gap is yet to be explored. This paper tries to propose some strategies for domestic companies to improve their IT application levels and their competitiveness. By using the data collected through the interviews with 123 enterprises, we have conducted an empirical study to examine the impact of system capability and management capability on IT application levels. We find that Chinese and foreign enterprises differ in these two capacities and in their IT application levels. It is suggested that the domestic enterprises should focus on improving their process management efficiencies in order to increase their IT application levels.
作者 彭建平
出处 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第8期30-35,共6页 Journal of Business Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(08AJY038) "211"三期重点学科建设项目<中国中小企业管理创新研究>阶段性成果
关键词 IT应用水平 关键因素 比较分析 IT application level critical factor , comparative analysis
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