
γ-丁内酯对聚醚酰亚胺膜结构形态的影响 被引量:3

Influence of γ-butyrolactone on the morphology of polyetherimide membranes
摘要 以聚醚酰亚胺(PEI)为制膜材料、N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP)为溶剂、γ-丁内酯(GBL)为弱非溶剂以及纯水为凝胶剂,采用浸没沉淀法制备了系列平板膜和厚度梯度膜,考察了GBL的存在对铸膜液黏度、平板膜及厚度梯度膜结构的影响.随着GBL浓度的增加,PEI铸膜液的黏度会增大,当m(GBL)∶m(NMP)达到69.6∶15.4时,PEI聚合物溶液黏度急剧增大,促使PEI聚合物溶液由单一均相溶液向贫/富两相区转化.GBL浓度增加的同时,PEI膜结构形态逐渐由完全的指状结构向海绵结构转化.就PEI厚度梯度膜而言,当膜厚增加到临界结构转化厚度Lc时,海绵状结构开始向指状孔结构转变.铸膜液体系中GBL浓度的增加延迟了厚度梯度膜中海绵状结构向指状孔结构的转化,临界结构转化厚度Lc随着铸膜液体系中GBL浓度的增加而增加. By immersion precipitation method, polyetherimide (PEI) flat sheet membranes and PEI thicknessgradient membranes were prepared with PEI/N- methyl pyrrolidone (NMP)/γ-butyrolaetone(GBL) casting solutions and coagulant water. The effect of GBL on the viscosity of the casting solution, the morphology of PEI flat sheet membranes and thickness - gradient membranes was studied. With the increase in GBL in the casting solution, the solution viscosity increased. When the ratio of rn (GBL) : m (NMP) was up to 69.6:15.4, the solution viscosity increased greatly, resulting in the phase inversion. Meanwhile, with the increase in GBL in the casting solution, the morphology of PEI flat sheet membranes evolved from finger- like structure to sponge- like structure. When the membrane thickness approached to the critical structure - transition Lc, the morphology of PEI thickness - gradient membranes evolved from sponge - like structure to finger- like structure. The existance of GBL in the casting solution prevented the transition of sponge - like structure to finger - like struc- ture, resulting in the increase in Lc.
出处 《膜科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期34-38,共5页 Membrane Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20776137)
关键词 聚醚酰亚胺 Γ-丁内酯 浸没沉淀法 厚度梯度膜 膜结构 polyetherimide γ-butyrolactone immersion precipitation thickness - gradient membrane morphology
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