
小麦TaPSG719基因启动子的分离及序列分析 被引量:1

Isolation and Sequence Analysis of TaPSG719 Gene Promoter from Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
摘要 TaPSG719基因是从小麦中分离的花粉特异性表达基因,其功能未知。克隆和分析该基因的启动子有助于研究该基因的功能,解析小麦花器官的发育调控机制。本研究根据已报道的TaPSG719基因cDNA序列为基础设计引物,经过两次反向PCR获得了该基因起始密码子上游1776bp的调控序列。应用PLACE和PlantCARE数据库系统对该序列进行分析研究,发现其具有启动子的基本元件TATA-box和CAAT-box、两种花粉特异性调控元件AGAAA和GTGA及光反应和激素响应元件。 TaPSG719 gene is a pollen-specific gene isolated from wheat and its function is remains unknown. The aims of the study were to isolate the TaPSG719 promoter sequence and to characterize the promoter regions responsible for tissue-specificity. A pair of special primers was designed according to the cDNA sequence of TaPSGTI9 gene reported. DNA of wheat (Bobwhite) by inverse-PCR. A The upstream regulatory sequence was cloned from total fragment of 1776 base pairs was obtained by two rounds of inverse-PCR. Sequence analysis of functional elements by blasting PLACE and PlantCARE databases revealed that it contains TATA-box, CAAT-box, two pollen-specific elements ( AGAAA and GTGA), several light responsive elements and hormone responsive elements. Promoter analysis of this gene would definitely help us to understand its function as well as the molecular biology of wheat male gaInetophyte development.
出处 《武汉植物学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期361-364,共4页 Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research
基金 国家科技重大专项--优质转基因小麦新品种培育(2008zx08002-004)
关键词 小麦 花粉特异性基因 反向PCR 启动子 序列分析 Wheat Pollen-specific gene Inverse-PCR Promoter Sequence analysis
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