目的调查某靶场臭虫对演习官兵的危害,评价综合灭臭虫效果。方法对驻扎于某靶场内的官兵臭虫刺叮率和居住房间内床板臭虫密度调查,采取综合性灭臭虫措施,观察灭臭虫效果。结果被臭虫叮刺的演习部队官兵全部住在老机关楼改造的宿舍,楼内官兵叮刺率平均为32.4%;被臭虫叮刺形成红斑直径1.5~3.0 cm,25人红斑数在25个以上;楼内45.5%房间发现臭虫,阳性床板率32.3%,臭虫12.0±10.081只/床。通过环境治理和化学防治,官兵在随后20余天演习期内未发现再受臭虫侵扰。结论臭虫侵扰参演部队严重影响官兵的工作和休息,通过综合防治能迅速控制臭虫对演习官兵的危害。
Objective To investigate bedbug harm to maneuver servicemen and evaluate integrated control efficiency in the archery ground. Methods Investigating biting rate of bedbug to maneuver servicemen and bedbug density of soleplates and rooms in the archery ground and observing effect of killing-bedbug. Results Maneuver servicemen who were bited by bedbug were resident in dormitory which reconstructed with old office building.Average biting rate was 32.4%.Diameter of papule with bedbug biting was 1.5~3.0 cm and there were above 25 papules found on body surface in 25 officers and men. Bedbugs were found in 45.5% rooms and 32. 3% soleplates. There were 12. 0 ± 10. 081 bedbugs on every masculine soleplates. Servicemen were not bited by bedbug in 20 maneuver days by taking on environment governing, propaganda education and chemical control. Conclusion Bedbug which invade and harass have a strong impact on rest and task to maneuver servicemen. It can be speedy and effectively controlled by integrated control measures of bedbug harm to officers and men.
Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides and Equipments
maneuver servicemen
bedbug harm
integrated control efficacy