
服务水平约束下流水车间成套订单调度研究 被引量:4

Study on Scheduling of Whole-Set Orders under Flow-Shop with Service Level Constraints
摘要 本文针对流水车间环境,研究了服务水平约束下成套订单的调度问题,通过建立与分析该问题的模型,研究并设计了用于排序的三种构造式启发算法,以及用于确定订单成套数的构造式启发算法、改进遗传算法和模拟退火算法,最后通过各种规模及不同约束度的算例进行模拟计算与比较分析,结果表明了改进遗传算法的有效性,但其它两种算法也各有优点。 In this paper, we analyze the scheduling of whole-set orders under flow-shop with service level constraint. Then we present a mathematical model, and also propos three construction heuristics for scheduling and three heuristics for order sets respectively based on constructive method, genetic and simulated annealing algorithm. At the end, some simulations for evaluations are made, and the results show that the genetic algorithm is most effective, but the other two have their own advantages.
出处 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期69-74,共6页 Chinese Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70572032)
关键词 流水车间 成套订单 服务水平 调度 flow-shop whole-set order service level scheduling
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