
2008年中国入选《哥白尼索引》期刊前百名统计结果分析——《宝鸡文理学院学报:自然科学版》榜上有名 被引量:4

Analysis on the statistical results of top 100 Chinese journals included by Index Copernicus in 2008——Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences(Natural Science) is one of top 100 Chinese journals
摘要 目的研究《哥白尼索引》(Index Copernicus,IC)收录我国期刊的现状以及2008年的IC评估值(ICV)最高的前百种期刊的地域分布、入选时间以及ICV变化。方法利用IC数据库进行检索统计,对检索结果采用文献计量学方法进行分析。结果截止2009年4月初,IC收录我国期刊345种,其中大陆地区336种,香港和台湾地区分别为7种和2种。而2008年ICV最高的100种期刊,来自22个省市自治区和特别行政区,其中专业期刊70种,高校学报30种;中文期刊77种,英文期刊23种,如果按照入选年度进行统计,2004年5种,2005年21种,2006年26种,2007年25种,2008年23种。《宝鸡文理学院学报:自然科学版》ICV2008为4.51,在百名期刊中排名第64名,在30种入选的高校学报中位于第20名。结论虽然我国入选IC数据库的期刊ICV普遍较低,但是绝大多数入选期刊的ICV均有不同程度的提高,如《Acta Pharmacologica Sinica》2004年的ICV2004=15.77,ICV2006=18.74,ICV2008=23.32。由此可见,中国期刊的发展当务之急是提高办刊质量。 Aim To investigate the status of Chinese journals included by Index Copernicus (IC), the changes in IC values (ICV), regional distribution and time selected by IC of the top 100 Chinese journals in 2008. Methods After being retrieved and counted in IC Database, the data was analyzed with bihliometrics method. Results By the beginning of April 2009. 345 Chinese journals had been included in IC, 336 journals of which were from China mainland, 7 journals from l-long Kong and 2 journals from Taiwan. But the top 100 Chinese journals in 2008, included in IC are from 22 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and special autonomous regions. With which 70 journals from professional journals, and the rest from university journals. In other words, with 77 Chinese periodicals and 23 English journals. According to publication year, 5 journals were indexed in 2004, 21 journals in 2005, 26 journals in 2006, 25 journals in 2007 and 23 journals in 2008. One of top 100 Chinese journals is Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences (Natural Science), which ICVz0o8 equal to 4.51, is 64th in the top 100 Chinese journals, ranking 20th in the 30 Chinese university journals. Conelusion Although ICV of Chinese journals are generally lower, the most of Chinese journals were indexed by IC for more two years, their 1CV has been increasing year by year, such as Acta Pharmacologica Sinica ICV2004=15.77, ICV2006=18.74 and ICV2008 = 23.32. This shows that the urgent affairs for us is to improve the quality of journal.
作者 诸平
出处 《宝鸡文理学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第2期87-92,共6页 Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences(Natural Science Edition)
基金 中国高校学报研究会基金资助课题(GBJZ304)
关键词 《哥白尼索引》 中国期刊 ICV2008 索引统计 Index Copernicus Chinese journals Index Copernicus value in 2008(ICV200s) indexed statistics
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