将苯乙烯-乙烯/丁烯-苯乙烯嵌段共聚物(SEBS)应用于乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物(EVA)发泡材料中。发泡体系确定为偶氮二甲酰胺(AC)/过氧化二异丙苯(DCP)。讨论了发泡时间及发泡温度对EVA/SEBS发泡材料性能的影响。差示扫描量热(DSC)测试表明,ZnO与ZnSt比例为1∶5时,AC的分解温度为175.9℃,与DCP的分解温度相近。此发泡体系在170℃~190℃进行模压发泡,控制适当的模压发泡时间,可制备密度在0.15 g/cm3~0.49 g/cm3,泡孔尺寸可调的发泡材料。文中对最终发泡材料的力学性能进行了测试,并通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察了发泡材料的泡孔尺寸大小和泡孔均匀程度。
A foamed plastic was prepared from SEBS and EVA materials. DCP/AC was determined as the crosslinker and the foaming agent in this system. The effects of the molding time and the molding temperature on the properties of EVA/SEBS foaming maerial were studied. When the mass ratio of ZnO and ZnSt was 1 : 5, the AC decomposition temperature which determined by DSC curves was 175.9 ℃. This temperatrue agreed with the decomposition temperature and DCP decomposition temperature. In this ratio of AC/ZnO/ZnSt, the foamed plastics of the different density (0.15 g/cm^3 -0.49 g/cm^3) and the variable cell size can be obtained by controlling temperature within 170℃-190℃ and the foaming time between 3 min and 20min. In the present study, several methods were employed to test the mechanical properties of the foaming materials. The materials cell size and cell uniformity were also investigated by SEM. These foaming materials of EVA/SEBS have a broad application in materials for the shoes.
Polymer Materials Science & Engineering