In order to acquire clear images by an area CCD aerial camera, an automatic light adjustment and control system is designed by using a digital signal processor TMS320F2812 as the core light adjustment con- troller . The control system consists of a light detection circuit and an adjusting and controlling circuit, in which the integrated photodiode and amplifier OPT301M is worked as a light detecting device. Otherwise, an A/D converter AD7865 is used to convert an analog signal to a digital signal, a direct circuit motor is used to control the curtain type shutter speed, and the programmable logic device EPM 7128 is taken to realize the logic operation and electric level conversion. Moreover, the programming design is implemented based on a CCS in the DSP environment by a simple way. The experiment results show that the adjustable time is 0. 095s, speed error is 1.08 r/min, and the over-adjustment is 7.2% in an input step signal of 180 r/rain, which meets the requirements of system specifications.
Chinese Optics and Applied Optics Abstracts