
中国野生和栽培大豆蛋白质及油脂含量的比较分析 被引量:22

A Comparative Analysis of Protein and Fat Content between Wild and Cultivated Soybeans in China
摘要 蛋白质和油脂是大豆的主要营养成分,掌握大豆种质蛋白质和油脂含量的遗传变异是专用型品种选育的基础。以全国各生态区的野生豆138份、地方品种408份、国内育成品种145份、国外育成品种77份,合计768份大豆种质为材料,测定蛋白质和油脂含量,研究其遗传变异特点。结果表明:在南京同一环境下全国野生豆蛋白质含量、油脂含量和蛋脂总含量变幅分别为39.2%~54.2%、7.5%~17.5%和47.3%~64.6%,地方品种38.8%~51.5%、11.5%~22.5%和55.6%~69.0%,国内育成品种41.7%~49.4%、12.9%~22.9%和55.6%~68.6%。野生豆驯化为栽培豆并经人工选育后油脂含量和蛋脂总含量有大幅增加,而蛋白质含量平均数和变异度则有减小,说明以往人工进化着重在油脂含量的改进。三个性状各群体在各生态区内均有较大变异,区平均间差异并不大,各区都有优良变异。野生豆蛋白质含量、油脂含量和蛋脂总含量与来源地纬度并未发现相关;栽培豆地方品种和育成品种的油脂含量与地理纬度出现显著正相关;育成品种蛋白质含量与地理纬度还出现显著负相关;野生自然状态下蛋白质含量和油脂含量之间无相关,而栽培豆地方品种和育成品种依次增强了负相关;形成这种相关的原因在于地区间油脂含量人工进化程度的差异。 It is a basic work to explore the genetic variability and selection potential of protein and fat content existed in soybean germplasm for the improvement of the two components. In the present study, total 768 accessions, including 138 wild entries ( Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc. ) ,408 cultivated landraces ( Glycine max( L. ) Merr. ) and 145 released domestic cultivars sampled from various eco-regions as a representative in China, along with 77 released foreign cuhivars,were tested for their protein and fat content by using Kjehec and Soxtec technique in order to characterize the genetic variability of protein and fat content in respective kinds of germplasm. The data obtained were analyzed with the software of SAS 9.0 and SPSS 13.0. The results obtaind under the environmental conditions in Nanjing showed that the range of protein content,fat content and total of both in wild soybean were 39.2-54.2%,7.5- 17.5%,47.3-64.6%,those in cultivated landraces 38.8-51.5%, 11.5-22.5% ,55.6-69.0%, those in released domestic cultivars 41.7-49.4%, 12.9-22.9%, 55.6-68.6%, respectively. The increase of fat content and protein plus fat content after domestication and the decrease of protein content as well as its range implied that the improvement of fat content happened during the artificial improvement process. There existed large amount of genetic variation of protein content, fat content and total of both contents in various ecoregions in different kinds of mate-rials,with elite accessions in each eco-regions, but the variation was not large enough among eco-region means. No significant correlation between the three contents and the original latitude of the materials was found in wild accessions, while significant positive correlation between fat content and latitude existed in cultivated landraees and released eultivars and significant negative correlation between protein content and latitude was found only in released cultivars. There was no significant correlation between protein content and fat content in wild soybeans, but significant negative correlation between the two contents found in cultivated land races and released cultivars. The reason for this kind of change should be the differential artificial selection among the eco-regions.
出处 《大豆科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期566-573,共8页 Soybean Science
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目(2004CB7206,2006CB101708,2009CB118404) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30671266) 国家高新技术研究发展计划资助项目(2006AA100104) 教育部高等学校创新引智计划资助项目(B08025) 农业部公益性行业专项资助项目(200803060)
关键词 野生大豆(Glycinesoja Sieb.etZucc.) 栽培大豆(Glycinemax(L.)Merr.) 蛋白质含量 油脂含量 遗传变异 生态区域 Wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc. ) Cultivated soybean (Glycine max (L.)Merr. ) Protein content Fat content Genetic variability Eco- region
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