

Study on Influential Factors in Detectable Population with Hypertension in Tianjin
摘要 目的:综合分析天津市高血压检出人群的影响因素,并探讨其变化和发展趋势。方法:依据2005年天津市国民体质监测资料,选择天津市20~69岁年龄阶段的19 087例男女市民进行问卷调查,包括个人的一般资料、嗜好、受教育程度及睡眠、工作等情况;并检测被调查者晨脉、体质指标等。结果:生存环境、体成分和年龄是影响高血压的主要因素;但生存环境因素对男性高血压的影响作用在增加,并成为最重要的影响因素;年龄因素对女性高血压的影响程度有所提高。腰围、体质量仍是体成分中影响高血压的主要因素。结论:加强具体的生活环境如生活方式、经济状况等方面的相关研究,并采取有效措施,以减少高血压病的发生率。 Objective: To analyze the influential factors in detectable population with hypertension in Tianjin, and explore the related tendency. Methods: Based on data of citizen fitness supervision in Tianjin in 2005, 19087 citizens aged from 20-69 years old were selected, and participated in the questionnaire and detection. The general data, hobby, educational level, and occupation of subjects were investigated. The pulses in the morning and fitness indices were detected. Results: (1) Factors influencing hypertension included the environment, body constitution and age. (2) The effect of environment on hypertension was increased in males, and environment became the most important factor. (3) The effect of age on hypertension was increased in females. (4) In terms of body constitution, factors influencing hypertension were waist circumstance and body weight. Conclusion.. The detailed life environment such as life style and financial status in the subjects with hypertension should be studied in the future.
出处 《中国康复》 2009年第4期248-249,共2页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation
关键词 天津市 成年人 高血压 影响因素 Tianjin adults hypertension influential factors
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