
前瞻记忆的干扰效应:多重加工的证据 被引量:2

Interference Effect from Prospective Memory:Evidence for Multiprocess
摘要 通过2个实验,对背景任务时间充裕和紧迫两种情况下的具体事件意向、类别事件意向、时间点意向、时间段意向四种前瞻记忆任务对背景任务的干扰效应进行考察。结果表明,在背景任务时间充裕情况下,类别事件意向对背景任务有干扰效应,具体事件意向、时间段意向和时间点意向都没有前瞻干扰效应;在背景任务时间紧迫情况下,时间点意向产生了干扰效应,具体事件意向、类别事件意向、时间段意向均无干扰效应。结果支持前瞻记忆的实现依赖多重加工的观点,时间性前瞻记忆并不一定比事件性前瞻记忆产生更大的干扰。 This research tested how much interference was caused to background task by holding a variety of different intentions (categorical event- based intentions, well- specified event- based intentions, time - based pulse intentions, time - based step intentions) in two experiments in which the time to complete background task is plenty or urgent. The results showed that, when the time to complete background task is plenty, only categorical event - based intentions resulted in prospective interference effect, but no interference effect was found in the other three intentions. When the time to complete background task is urgent, interference effect was only found in the time - based pulse intentions. The results demonstrated that multiple processing mechanisms supported the realization of prospective memory. The time - based intention did not consumed more resources than event- based intention in all conditions.
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2009年第4期55-59,共5页 Psychological Exploration
关键词 事件性前瞻记忆 时间性前瞻记忆 前瞻干扰效应 加工机制 event- based prospective memory time- based prospective memory processing mechanisms prospective interference effect
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