Herman Melville's 1853 tale, "Bartleby the Scrivener," is one of his most highly ac- claimed works of short fiction. Melville' s short story has generated remarkably diverse interpreta- tions and has served as an ideal example of multifaceted, unreadable text that makes it impossible to produce a single correct meaning. To some critics Bartleby is a paranoid schizophrenic; to oth- ers he represents a Christ-like figure; to still others a Thoreau-like practitioner of passive resist- ance, the exploited worker in the Wall Street' s capitalistic prison, or an autobiographical projec- tion of Melville as alienated author. This study is less concerned with producing any new interpre- tation of Bartleby' s character than with investigating in detail the unmistakable presence of Poe in Melville' s story. Although Melville makes no mention of his notorious predecessor, Melville could hardly have failed to see what Poe was doing in the field of short story, or to realize that it was a- daptable to his literary purposes. Melville, no less than Poe, wanted to write salable magazine tales, and was as likely to consider what an established convention had to offer him. In this pa- per, I intent to explore various inter-textual connections between Melville' s "Bartleby" and Poe' s later works such as "The Business Man," "The Literary Life of Thingum Bob," "Hop-Frog," and "The Raven. " In so doing, I will demonstrate that Poe's writings provided Melville's first magazine tale with the artistic craft of writing and a compelling narrative strategy to build upon.
Foreign Literature Studies