
基于斯旺-索洛模型的福建省区域经济增长和收敛研究 被引量:1

A study on regional economic growth and convergence of Fujian Province by applying Solow-Swan model
摘要 计算了1996-2006年福建省各地区人均GDP变异系数,发现福建省经济增长绝对收敛趋势初步显露。利用斯旺-索洛模型,借助面板数据,对福建省各地区经济增长条件收敛进行分析,估算条件收敛速度,揭示了福建省落后地区以较低速度实现对发达地区的赶超的事实。根据研究结果,提出落实海峡西岸经济区建设构想,提升福建省地区间通达性等促进区域经济增长和收敛的建议。 The paper calculates the covariance coefficients of GDP per capita of Fujian province in 1996 -2006 and reveals the absolute convergence trend of the province. It also calculates the conditional convergence speed of the province by applying Solow-Swan model with panel data, and finds that a slow but steady catch-up does exist in the province. Finally, policy recommendations are provided, such as to implement building the economic zone on the west side of the Straits, and to improve the exchange between regions in Fujian, in order to accelerate regional economy growth and convergence.
作者 陶红军 赵亮
出处 《福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第4期4-9,共6页 Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 福建省教育厅课题<海峡西岸经济区现代产业体系建设研究>部分研究成果(JA08031S)
关键词 福建省 绝对收敛 条件收敛 斯旺-索洛模型 Fujian Province absolute convergence conditional convergence Solow-Swan model
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