
论行政给付中的社会公平原则 被引量:1

The principle of social equity on the administrative supply
摘要 在现代社会,行政权力事关社会公平的起点、过程和结果,是影响社会公平的最重要力量。行政给付作为政府配置资源的手段,应立足于弥补市场效率机制的缺陷;作为社会财富再分配机制,应立足于对市场分配机制进行纠偏,在一定程度上体现政府"均贫富"的意愿。行政给付遵循社会公平原则,有关行政给付的立法、执法等行政给付行为应以实现社会公平为首要目的。在法律保留原则之下,政府制定的社会政策以及财政政策应以社会公平为导向,在具体的执法过程中,应将公平贯穿于行政给付决定作出的全过程。 In a modern society,the executive power is related to the starting point for social equity,the process and results.h is the most important force of the impact of social equity.Administrative supply as a government allocation of resources,should be based on a mechanism to make up for deficiencies in market efficiency;as social wealth redistribution mechanism,based on market distribution mechanism for correcting,It reflects the government's will of averaging the rich and the poor.Administrative supply should follow the principle of social equity,and the executive pay legislation,law enforcement and other administrative acts should be paid in order to achieve the primary purpose of social equity.Reservations under the principle of the law,the Government's social policy and fiscal policy should be based on social equity-oriented,in specific law enforcement process,the fair runs through the process of the decisions on Administrative supply.
作者 何峥嵘
出处 《行政与法》 2009年第8期84-88,共5页 Administration and Law
基金 广西哲学社会科学"十一五"规划课题"行政给付研究"的阶段性成果 项目编号:06FFX002
关键词 行政给付 基本原则 行政权力 社会公平 administrative supply the basic principles administrative power social equity
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