
杂化笼形聚倍半硅氧烷的结构性能与应用 被引量:1

The Structure properties and application of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes
摘要 笼形倍半硅氧烷是一类新型高性能的多面体有机/无机分子复合物。本文从笼型倍半硅氧烷的结构特点,合成方法及主要性能方面出发,对笼型倍半硅氧烷的有机/无机杂化改性进行了综合性描述,介绍了它们的发展趋势。 Cage-like silsesquioxane is a special type and excellent properties of polyhedral compound composed of both organic and inorganic molecules. The structure and the preparation as well as the properties of the POSS- based polymer were discussed in this article. Meanwhile, the development tendency of POSS was presumed.
作者 康永 高建峰
出处 《中国粉体工业》 2009年第4期21-25,共5页 China Powder Industry
关键词 杂化笼型聚倍半硅氧烷 结构 性能 有机/无机杂化 Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane(POSS) Structure properties Organic/inorganic hybrid
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