
飞机双垂尾载荷自平衡校准 被引量:6

Self-balancing load calibration on aircraft twin-finned tail
摘要 利用研制的能够远距离、大跨度双向加载、可移动的专用液压加载设备,对飞机双垂尾加自平衡载荷进行校准研究。通过对结构受载的分析,简化了结构受载情况,论证了飞机双垂尾的左右两部分加平衡载荷同时进行校准的可行性。使用该技术,不用搭建承力架和复杂地固定飞机,而只需通过地面人工操作即可对双垂尾的左右两部分同时进行校准,能够大大降低飞机垂尾载荷校准试验的难度、风险和成本,对其它飞机此类结构的载荷校准具有一定借鉴作用。 Using developed movable and special hydraulic loading equipment that can apply high-span bidirectional loads at long bowls, load calibration on the aircraft twin-finned tail has been studied by applying self-balancing load. The structures load case has been simplified, and the feasibility of the load calibration on the aircraft twin-finned tail by applying balancing loads on the both parts of it simultaneously has been demonstrated by the analysis of structures loads. This technology can calibrate both parts of twin-finned tail synchronously by ground handling, does not need building load-beating supporting frame and complex restraint fixture on the aircraft, so it can greatly reduce the difficulty, risk and cost of the load calibration test of the aircraft vertical tail, and represent a certain useful effort for load calibration of the similar structures of other aircraft.
出处 《强度与环境》 2009年第4期19-23,共5页 Structure & Environment Engineering
关键词 双垂尾 自平衡 载荷校准 飞行实测:液压加载设备 twin-finned tail: self-balancing: load calibration: flight measurement hydraulic loading equipment
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