针对从异种操作系统平台事后下载、解压、提取当日银行业务报表数据,采用Visual FoxPro数据库语言进行银行业绩考核统计应用程序设计中涉及的异种数据库数据格式转换、数据筛选等几个难点问题进行分析,提出采用基于中间数据格式转换的方法,有效地解决了Informix数据、FoxPro数据格式转换问题,使该程序得以成功开发和应用.
Focusing on the process of downloading, decompression, extraction the banking report data afterward from the platform of heterogeneous operating system, the database language of Visual FoxPro was used to design the performance evaluation system of bank' s achievement, in which the related format conversion of heterogeneous database, data filtration and several other difficult problems were analyzed. In this paper, by applying the transformation of middle data format, the problems in format conversion of Informix data and ForPro data were effectively solved, which made the successful design and application of the program.
Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences