
龋病患牙牙周健康状况调查分析 被引量:4

Preliminary Investigation of Periodontal Condition of Caries Teeth
摘要 目的:检查龋病患牙的牙周健康状况,探讨龋病对牙周健康状况的影响。方法:在武汉大学口腔医学院牙体牙髓科和牙周黏膜科就诊的患者中,选择一侧牙有龋,而对侧同名牙无龋的牙齿86对,每对牙齿依次检查牙体龋坏情况(包括冠龋和根龋)及牙周状况(包括探诊深度、探诊出血、牙石指数、牙龈退缩程度、松动度),并进行统计学分析,研究龋病患牙的牙周健康状况。结果:86对牙齿比较结果显示,有龋组的牙周探诊深度、牙石指数、牙龈退缩程度、松动度均显著高于无龋组(P<0.05)。对有龋组牙仅有冠龋的71对牙齿做比较,结果显示有龋组患牙的牙周探诊深度、牙石指数、牙龈退缩程度均高于无龋组,有显著性差异,且探诊深度、牙石指数有非常显著的差异(P<0.01)。对有龋组中既有冠龋又有根龋的15对牙齿牙周情况做比较,结果显示有龋组牙龈退缩、松动度均高于无龋组且有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:在同一口腔环境中龋病的发生和牙周炎症程度呈正相关,两者的微生态联系和相互影响有待深入的研究。 Objective: To investigate the periodontal condition of caries teeth.Methods: The patients in the departments of Endodontics and Periodontics in Stomatological Hospital of Wuhan University were examined.86 pairs of teeth-each consisting of a tooth with caries and its counterpart on the opposite side without caries-were chosen.Caries(including coronal caries and root caries) and periodontal conditions(including probing depth,bleeding on probing(BOP),the index of dental calculus,gingival recession and mobility) of each tooth were investigated. Results: It showed that probing depth,index of dental calculus, gingival recession and mobility of teeth in the group of caries (CG) were significantly higher than those in the group without caries (NCG) ( P 〈 0.05 ). Comparing 71 pairs of patients who had only coronal caries occurred, probing depth,BOP,index of dental calculus and gingival recession in CG are higher than in NCG, especially of probing depth and BOP (P 〈 0.01 ). As for the other 15 of patients who had both coronal and root caries occurred, the condition of gingival recession and mobility in CG is worse than those in NCG(P 〈0.05 ). Conclusion: It seems that there is positive correlation between caries prevalence and periodontal inflammation. The relationship and interaction of their micro - zoology are worthy of further study.
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期520-522,共3页 Journal of Oral Science Research
基金 武汉大学2004年大学生业余科研基金项目:龋病患牙的牙周健康状况调查分析
关键词 龋病 牙周 炎症 Caries Periodontal Inflammation
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