Objective To evaluate the relationship among prognosis, clinical stage and operation mode of gallbladder carcinoma. Methods From October 1992 to December 2002, a total of 82 patients with gallblad,"der carcinoma underwent operation in Xinhua hospital. Nevin stage, operation mode and postoperative survival condition were noted. Results The positive rate of lymph node was 80.85% in 47 cases with radical resec,"tion and extended radical resection, including 3 case of stage Ⅱ, 30 cases of stage Ⅳ and 5 cases of stage Ⅴ. In all cases with stage Ⅲ and Ⅳ, the positive rate of lymph node was 83.3% (30/36). Four cases with stage Ⅰ undergone simple cholecystectomy were alive more than 5 years. Four cases with stage Ⅱ and 1 case with Ⅲ undergone simple cholecystectomy died within 3 years. Four cases with stage Ⅱ and 1 case with stage Ⅲ undergone radical cholecystectomy were alive more than 5 years. Three cases with stage Ⅳ un,"dergone extended radical cholecystectomy were alive more than 5 years. The 3-year, 5-year survival rate in all cases with stage Ⅴ undergone extended radical resection and laparotomy were zero. Conclusion The postoperative survival rate is significantly affected by the clinic stage and operation mode of gallbladder carci,"noma. The simple cholecystectomy is enough for stage Ⅰ. Radical resection should be performed in the cases with stage Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Extended radical resection should be performed in cases with stage Ⅳ. In the cases with stage Ⅴ, the benefit of extended radical resection seems limited.
Journal of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery
gallbladder neoplasms
clinical stage
operation mode
survival rate