1John. Burnet, The Ethics of Aristotle[ M]. London, 1900.
2W. K. C. Guthrie, A History of Greek Philosophy [ M ]. Cambrige, 1981.
3W. F. R. Hardie, Aristotle's Ethical Theory[ M]. 2^nd edn. Oxford, 1980.
4Michael Rakaluk, The Meaning of Aristotelian Magnanimity [ J ] Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy vol. XXVI, edited by David Sedley, Oxford University Press, Summer 2004.
5Gabriel Richardson, Lear Happy Lives and the Highest Good: an Eassay on Aristotle' s Nicomachean Ethics, [ M ]. Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2004.
6Saint Augustine, The Free Choice of the Will Translated by Robert P. Russell, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C. 1968.
7Stephen M. Gardiner, Aristotle' s Basic and Non - basic Virtue [ J. ] Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy vol. XX, edited by David Sedley, Oxford University Press, ( Summer 2001 ) : 261 - 295.
8Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy [ M. ] New York, 1945.