
英语政治新闻的语篇体裁结构潜势研究 被引量:2

A Study on the Generic Structure Potential of the English Political News
摘要 英语政治新闻的语篇体裁结构潜势创造了对英语政治新闻语篇体裁进行描述的元语言。英语政治新闻的语境配置可以描述为新闻记者通过媒介向潜在读者报道新近发生的政治事件;英语政治新闻的语篇体裁结构潜势包含标题、电头、导语、主要事件、背景信息、影响、结果或后果和评论等成分,其中标题、电头、导语和主要事件是必要成分,在结构潜势程式中出现的顺序是固定的,背景信息、影响、结果或后果和评论是可选性成分,其位置可根据需要随意变换。必要成分及其顺序决定了语篇的语篇体裁,可选性成分决定了属于同一个语篇体裁的语篇变异现象。 The generic structure potential of the English political news creates the meta-|anguage which is used to describe the English political news as a genre. The contextual configuration of English political news can be described as that the journalists report the current political events to the potential readers by the media. Seven generic elements constitute the generic structure potential of the English political news genre. They are headline, byline and date-line, lead, main event, background information, consequences and comment. Among them, headline, byline and date-line, lead and main event are obligatory elements, and the order in which they appear is fixed. The rest three elements are optional and their positions can be freely shifted to serve the communicative purposes. Obligatory elements and their order define the genre which a text belongs to and optional elements determine the variations of the same genre
作者 杨美平
出处 《四川理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第4期90-93,共4页 Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 英语政治新闻 语篇体裁 语境配置 语篇体裁结构潜势 English political news genre contextual configuration generic structure potential
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