
基于蚁群优化算法的TSP问题求解 被引量:3

TSP Problem Solution Based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
摘要 蚁群优化算法是受蚂蚁觅食的通行机制的启发而提出的一种群集智能算法.介绍了蚁群优化算法的基本原理,在此基础上实现了蚁群优化算法,应用到TSP问题求解中,并根据启发函数、信息素进行算法性能优化,提高了算法的收敛速度.实验结果表明蚁群算法具有极强的鲁棒性和求最优解的能力,取到了很好的效果. An ant colony optimization algorithm derives heuristically from simulating real ants to seek food. The basic principles of ant colony optimization algorithm are introduced in the article. In the experiments, the algorithm is optimized while being applied to solving TSP problems. The speed of convergence is improved. The experimental results show that this algorithm is extremely robust to solve the optimal solutions of TSP problems. Its application in TSP has achieved good results.
出处 《江西理工大学学报》 CAS 2009年第4期37-39,共3页 Journal of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology
关键词 TSP问题 蚁群优化算法 信息素 可视化 TSP ant colony optimization algorithm pheromone visualization
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