

Research on worm virus flow in LAN
摘要 中小型局域网是蠕虫病毒最容易突破的一个薄弱环节。以Slammer蠕虫病毒作为研究样本,研究了蠕虫病毒所产生的网络流量对局域网带来的影响。首先从理论上进行了分析,之后使用NS2网络仿真软件建立了一个局域网网络仿真模型来辅助进行分析,其中使用到了SI模型。仿真的结果符合之前的理论分析以及真实的统计数据。 From the history of Intemet worm infestations, the small or middle scale LAN is especially vulnerable to the hazard of the worm. Taking Slammer as research target, the paper dedicates to reveal the worm's impact on LAIN through the research of the traffic invoked by worms. The paper firstly theoretically analyzes the traffic and then uses NS2 to design a LAN scenario to simulate the process of the propagation of Slammer worm in a LAN. The result of the simulation is in accordance with the theoretical analysis and the real statistics.
出处 《信息技术》 2009年第8期14-17,共4页 Information Technology
基金 自然基金项目资助(B1632A)
关键词 蠕虫病毒 网络仿真 SI模型 NS2 局域网 worm virus network simulation SI model NS2 LAN
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