
“小产权房”交易火热的原因及对策分析 被引量:1

The Analysis of the Reasons on and Countermeasures to the Hot Trades of "Small Property Right" Houses
摘要 从市场上"小产权房"交易火热这一现象谈起,分析了"小产权房"交易是供需双方共同利益驱动的结果。其交易火热的直接原因在于"小产权房"的低价,而深层原因则在于我国长期形成的城乡二元土地制度——国有土地和集体土地。为此,不合法"小产权房"交易的遏制应从供需双方同时进行:一方面,宏观调控房地产市场,保障城市居民住房;另一方面,打破城乡二元土地制度,改革中国农村土地产权制度,通过土地渠道让农民享有经济发展成果,缩小城乡差距。 This paper, based on the popularity of the trades of "small property right" houses, analyzes that the trades of "small property right" houses were the results driven by both sides' common interests Of the supplies and demands. The immediate reason that their trades have been hot lies in the low price of "small property right" houses, and the deep reason lies in the land system in both urban and rural areas which had been formed for a long time in our country state-owned lands and collectively-owned lands. Therefore, the illegal trades of "small property right" houses should be prevented from both sides of the supplies and demands at the same time: On one hand, adjust and control macroscopically the market of real estate, ensure its reserves for the building of urbanite; On the other hand, break the land system in both urban and rural areas and reform the rural land property system in China, in order to make farmers enjoy the economic development achievement through the land channel and narrow the disparity in urban and rural areas.
作者 褚红丽
出处 《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第3期47-49,54,共4页 Journal of North University of China:Social Science Edition
关键词 “小产权房”交易 国有土地 集体土地 农村土地产权制度 trades of "small property right" houses state-owned lands collectively-owned lands rural land property system
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