
解读2007年ESH/ESC高血压指南 被引量:32

Interpretation of the ESH/ESC hypertension guidelines published in 2007
摘要 2007年,欧洲高血压学会和欧洲心脏学会(ESH/ESC)联合公布了高血压诊治新指南,从全面评估、治疗方法与策略以及特殊人群的处理等方面的集中反映了高血压最新进展,更新了评估指标,强调了及早降压,更严格更快降压和强化联合治疗的重要性,要求防治重心前移。新的指南对目前高血压的诊治具有重要的指导意义。 European Society of Hypertension/European Society of Cardiology jointly published new guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of hypertension in 2007. It reflected the the latest developments on comprehensive assessment, treatment modalities and strategies, as well as therapeutic approach for special populations. In addition, the new guidelines updated evaluation. It also stressed the importance of an early,faster and more stringent treatment and aggressive combination therapy. More impartantly,it requested prevention and treatment earlier. It is of great importance for the guidelines to guide the current diagnosis and treatment of hypertension.
作者 马长生 乔岩
出处 《中国实用内科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期798-800,I0001,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Internal Medicine
关键词 高血压 指南 hypertension guidelines
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