

The Ideological Liberation Is the Great Motive Force of China Reformation
摘要 文章认为:思想解放是中国改革的巨大推动力量。20年来,中国已经经历了3次大的思想解放。1978年的第一次思想解放,解决了中国要不要改革的问题,为改革开放的启动做好了思想准备。1992年的第二次思想解放,解决了中国改革采用什么样的体制问题,为改革的深化... Abstract The article thinks that the ideological liberation is the great motive force of china reformation. China has gone through three times major ideological liberations in recent twenty years. The first ideological liberation in nineteen seventy eight. has solved the problem that china needs to reform or not, and this has got ready in theory for deepening the reformation. The third ideological liberation in nineteen ninety seven has solved the problem that china reformation needs what kind of ownership system and public ownership, this has laid the theoretical foundation for the reformation's storm fortifications. The writers think china will be facecl with the fourth ideological liberation in the end of this century, that is how to solve the problem that what kind of person will be employed in the process of developing market economy, so that the achievements of reformation and opening can be consolidated and expanded. China will be faced with the fifth ideological liberation when the reformation of economic system has basically completed at the begining of the next century. That means solving the problem of effectively supervising the party in power and its officers, starting the reformation of political system and setting up the democratic political system which is suited to the socialist market economic system.
出处 《经济体制改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第4期5-14,共10页 Reform of Economic System
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