
情绪介入经济决策研究的演变路径——从古典经济学到神经经济学 被引量:2

An Evolutionary Route of Economic Decision-making Studies with the Introduction of Emotion:From Classical Economics to Neuroeconomics
摘要 情绪曾是古典经济学研究经济决策的出发点。新古典经济学的理性决策模型却把情绪视为干扰因素而加以排除。行为经济学从有限理性、偏好逆转和认知偏差中"发现"了情绪对经济决策的重要影响。神经经济学则运用fMRI等脑成像技术揭示了情绪影响经济决策的脑神经机制。文章从经济学的发展过程探讨情绪影响经济决策的演变路径,试图运用不同分析视角形成情绪与决策关系的一般分析框架及其适用条件。最后探讨了情绪与决策关系研究的未来发展方向。 The economic decision-making in the classical economics is based on emotion and affectivity. But emotion and affectivity are excluded out of the rational decision-making in neo-classical economics because they are regarded as intervening factors. However, behavioral economics believes that emotion plays an important role in economic decision-making in the study of bounded rationality, reverse preference and cognitional bias. Neuro- economics reveals the neural mechanisms of the effect of emotion on economic decision-making through fMRI and other brain imaging technology. The paper analyzes the evolutionary route of the effect of emotion on economic decision-making and tries to build up a basic framework of the relation between emotion and decision-making through layer analysis. At last, it discusses the future development of studies on emotion and decision-making.
作者 卿志琼
机构地区 南开大学商学院
出处 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第9期59-69,共11页 Journal of Finance and Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(08BJY001)
关键词 情绪 经济决策 古典经济学 神经经济学 emotion economic decisionmaking classical economics Neuroeconomics
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