The fliC g,m gene was amplified from purified chromosomal DNA of Salmonella enteritidis by PCR reaction using a pair of particular primers, derived from the upstream and downstream regions of the fliC gene, with the addition of CUACUACUACUA to their 5′ends. After amplification the PCR product was purified, and originally cloned into the plasmid pAMP10 by using the UDG method with DH5α or TG1 as the initial host for recombinant plasmids, then recombinant plasmid DNA of pAMP. GM containing the filC g,m was isolated and transformed into Lc 2a as the second host, a nonflagellated strain of E. Coli. The results of motility/inhibition test, seroagglutination assay, microscope screening of these transformants, and partial sequence of pAMP. GM showed that the filC g,m gene of S. enteritidis has been successfully cloned and expressed. This cloned filC g,m is helpful for the exploration of new approach in the control of S. entertidis. And the established cloning method is very useful in determining the variation and evolution of different fliC genes in Salmonella .
Jiangsu Agricultural Research