Objective:To observe the linguistic-functional cortex so as to identify the effect of age and sex on normal language processing by ER-fMRI and to observe wbether a left or right predonrinance for lingulstic-functional cortex exits or not. Methods:We examined 52 healthy volunteers of 20-65 years old, of whom 26 are male and 26 are female. The average age is 43.9. All of the subjects, being Chinese and right-hand dominant, have got through the primary school education at least. We divided all file subjects into 4 groups according to their gender and age as follows: Group A, male, younger than 50 (including 50) ; Croup B, female, younger than 50 (including 50) ; Croup C, male, older than 50;Group D, female, older than 50. Each subject in groups finished 2 tasks, to read "i" loudly or silently. The occurrence of stimulus turned up in a way of visual presentation. Results:There were no statistical differences about the activated voxel and intensity change in the linguistically functional cortex between healthy male and female individuals of different decades. The activated areas include bilateral frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe and bilateral cerebellar hemisphere. Aceording to the matched-pairs design text, there were no statistical differences of the activated voxel and intensity change in bilateral activated areas. Although the activated areas were not quite the same when each of the above two tasks were being performed and more activation elicited by overt-reading titan that of covert-reading were observed, there was no statistical difference of the activated voxel and intensity change in the same activated areas of each task. Conclusion: Tbere were no age and gender differences in linguistic-function regions of healthy individual whose native language is Chinese. It is bilateral-equilibrium and no linguistic hemisphere' s predominance exits. This characteristic is different from the left-hemisphere dominance of westem languages. Although there were no statistical differences of the activated voxel and intensity change between overt-reading and covert-reading, more activation elicited by overt-reading than that of covert-reading were observed. Tbe way of overt-reading are more proper to some extent than that of covert-reading to study the lingnistie- function regions of human brain.
Journal of Medical Imaging