Objectlve:To evaluate the value of multi-sllce spiral CT (MSCT) post-proceasing technique in the wrist joint trauma. Methods: Twenty patients with wrist joint trauma were studied, with MSCT. After scanning, retrospective thin-slice reconstruction, multi-planar reconstruction (MPR) and volume rendering technique (VRT) images were obtained. These images were analyzed and compared with conventional axial images. Results: Fracture of processus styloideus ulnae and distal radius was found in 8 eases, of which es seaphoideum fracture in 2 cases and of which os scaphoideum fracture and lunate dislocation in one ease. Os seaphoideum fracture was found in 8 eases. Lunate dislocation was found in 4 eases. Os trigonum fracture was found in 2 eases, of which fracture of os hamatum and os pisiforme in one ease. The fracture of basilar part of IV ossa metaearpalia in one case and the fracture of basilar part of V ossa metaearpalia in one ease. The three-dimensional reconstruction images can produce comprehensive and stereoscopic visualization of fragments and accurate classification of wrist joint fracture and dislocation or piece of fracture in the wrist joint. Rate of displaying wrist joint trauma with MPR is 100%. Conclusion:By combination with thin-slice reconstruction, MPR and VRT, MSCT can demonstrate more intuitional and trldimonsionally pathognomonie signs of wrist joint trauma,providing more information for the diagnosis of wrist joint trauma.
Journal of Medical Imaging